Since when did trying to turn a profit become wrong?

Yz, I think you missed the point. Again.

Nobody is saying that making a profit is wrong. What is wrong is making a profit by misrepresenting the item for sale and for using unethical practices in promoting the sale.

Do you think the empeg team wasn't making a profit?

They were making such a huge profit that they had to sell themselves to Sonic Blue in a last (ultimately unsuccessful) attempt to keep the player in production.

sure he didn't take the picture ... but I just don't see how it's that big of a deal.

Sigh... now how did I know you were going to say that, Paul? Let's just say that you and the vast majority of participants on this bbs have radically differing viewpoints concerning personal morality, and leave it at that...

"There Ain't No Such Thing As A Free Lunch"