Well, i guess first of all, that this is a somewhat or prety much a debatable topic. =) Yea blah blah you know, but personally, i don't think what he did was right. When i browse around eBay, and see stuff like that, it disgusts me and i boycott them. But there are billions of others out there that get sucked in by these 'wow' factor auctions and get all crazy... jack up the prices and etc. To me that's just sorta a anti-friendly community thing here... and my opinion is he's trying to make some profit. It's the way things go i guess, but i like how we get to share resources like this for the love of hobbies like this... not for profit.

Oh but then in contrast to what i just said, there are actually some pros to it! i realize that but i ain't going to blabber on. i don't post a lot but this post got me to try and express my opinion with my crappy english skills. =)