Hi All,

My brother in the states bought me a Rio (empeg) system because he knows that I love mp3 specialy while driving.

My brother helped me to set it up and installed the new software (beta13 and the latest Hijack .291) . I love the visuals to death. but I cant force it to go to visual mode when I start my car. I have to do that everytime after restarting or rebooring, it keeps going to the INFO mode with no visuals. I need it to be in the visual and transient mode but its not working. "Restore car/DC visuals" are set to enabled. I even tried to use notify=1 but it didnt help. I know that this is an old subject but Im just wondering how is it working with you guys !!!!!!!!

Now Im just wondering what are the steps that I have to do to make it go to visuals directly. Maybe I'm missing something. Do I have to add any lines to config.ini ?.... Please help me If you can. I dont have any lines in my configs which starts with ;@home, ;@work, ;@AC, ;@DC........

I read all FAQ in riocar.org and I know what I'm doing (hopefully)

Every time I connect my empeg to my AC (home)...it goes to visuals directly (with info set to transient) which is cool. but Its not working in the car this way.

My empeg is MK2.

Please help me

I work as a system engineer in spain.

Lina Ramhi