Hi !
It's there, looks great although the grey plastic knobs feel a bit cheap :-(
I hope they last longer then they feel, especially the right control wheel ...
Software feels 100% like Mk1 usage besides the right knob, which is used as a general up/down control e.g. for volume ...
I have 2 things that irritate me:
-1- As i am one of the "discount" customers owning a Mk1, i miss the tuner and the carrying bag, are the sent later, or was i totally wrong about your offer, including tuner & baf for Mk1 users ?????
-2- The warranty labels:
1 is missing completely ( or should it be just 1 now ?? ) and the other one ( On the left side ) was torn when i looked at it first time ( I really do not know whether i ripped it, getting the empeg out of the case the first time, or if it was even torn before ) So what to do now ??
( rob i am willing to send it back to you and wait another week for a proper warranty if empeg takes the costs, as i do not want to loose warranty at all ?!
Of course you could simply note this fact somewhere, so i am not in trouble if something happens that shouts for warranty, How to solve this ...
I could send you a Photo made by digital camera of it if you want, please tell me what to do ...
Eeek 3 more things that i wanted to ask ...
( Thanks god for "edit post" option :-)
- Where can i find the ser number, no label on THIS empeg ?!
- In 11a and 11b Loudness seems to be missing ?!
- where is the microphone located used for "not yet implemented" voice commands ?