Ok, first off, a huge *DOH* to me for not looking at the CD

(I could say I was busy ripping some audio CDs at the time, but I'm afraid I can't even use that in my defense as it's not true

I had a sinking feeling that RJ45 & coax couldn't be used together on the one card, so I dug another network card out of a 'spare' PC and was about to try installing it specifically for the empeg, with my fingers, toes and everything crossed hoping I'd have a spare IRQ available. Alas, I forgot to cross something for a spare ISA slot in the PC, so I was thwarted again!!
As there was a basic requirement that I get some sleep before going to work I had to give up temporarily... Maybe I'll go out and buy a hub or something - it's about time I bought another gadget - it's been 24 hours since I got the last one

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Got one of the first Mark 2 empegs...