I'd have to go against what Tony said about the 10/100 issue. Try to get everything 10/100, so that in the future, you won't have to replace that much equipment. 10/100 hubs anymore are almost as cheap as just 10 hubs. And the speed increase is well worth the cost when copying many files to a machine in the corner for backup or whatever.

I have a 10/100 5 port switch hooked to another 10/100 8 port hub and a 10 8 port hub. The switch has three machines on it, and hooks to the other two hubs. The 10 has my cable modem, and one system on it. The rest of the ports are for lan parties. The 10/100 is used upstairs, and currently has 3 systems and my Airport on it. Eventually it will have 6 systems and my empeg, and the downstairs switch will probably be replaced to have room for my printer and everything downstairs on one hub. Plus my Dreamcast, and future PS2, X-Box, and MP3 stereo player will probably need a port downstairs.