The last time I was pulled over, I WAS going with the flow. He picked one car (mine) that was easy to nail with the radar gun because there was enough space behind it to pull out, nailed me, and pulled me over and told me exactly how fast the radar clocked me at.

Because I was going with the flow, I was able to talk my way out of the ticket. Okay, maybe he wasn't intending to give me the ticket in the first place and just wanted to put the Fear O' God in me or something ([censored]). In any case, I would like to have avoided the whole hassle factor of getting pulled over.

Now, back on subject....

I think I've narrowed down the problem and I've done something to blow the HCMS-2912 LED display on the front of the unit. I know, I know, bad hacker, go to your room. OK, now all I need is a replacement part. I'm just having trouble locating a retailer that will sell one to me. I've found the manufacturer's site and their PDF spec sheets on the part, but not a retailer yet. I am on hold with the Beltronics seeing if they can help me, but they don't have a parts department and don't sell individual parts to people, so I'm not holding out a lot of hope for that at the moment.
Tony Fabris