One of the installers came out and did a thorough run-down of the vehicle, analyzing possible placement for various components like the amp and sub.

Good thinking. Proactive. More people should do this.

For now, I am not replacing any speakers, front or back. It is expected that these improvements will be, for now, a large improvement over the current sound quality.

I've always been of the opinion that the speakers should be the first thing you replace, and that you have the most potential for improvement there. I won't harp on it, though, enough said.

I'm only 20, so I'm sort of going against type by buying a minivan (my dad wanted me to be safe and have alot of cargo space while driving back and forth to college), but I tell you, this thing is incredible. (...) It still has a bit of that soccer mom image, but it's a very attractive minivan, as minivans go, and I don't care about that anyway.

Don't BS us. You got a van so you could get laid in the back. Admit it.

Tony Fabris
Tony Fabris