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I've always been of the opinion that the speakers should be the first thing you replace, and that you have the most potential for improvement there. I won't harp on it, though, enough said.

The problem is that it depends somewhat on the reason for the stereo upgrade.

In a typical case, I agree with what you say.

In the case of the empeg for quantity rather than quality, then I disagree. In my case, I want to get an empeg because of how much it can hold. I'm not really concerned about the quality off the start. Sure my speakers suck but I'm in no rush to replace them (the empeg is expensive enough).

I would say to replace the speakers before buying and amp, but in the empeg scenario, you need the amplifier cuz the empeg is not amplified (as you know ). You can't really pass on the amp.

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Don't BS us. You got a van so you could get laid in the back. Admit it.

The trick is, he has to pick someone up first... that's not as easy to do in a van, even though there is plenty of room afterwards .
