First, there's a big difference between ``intellectual'' and ``not-an idiot'' or even ``intelligent''. Second, ``ran many successful businesses''? The only business he ever ran that didn't fail was the Texas Rangers ball club, and he just bought into that. All of his oil ventures (Arbusto, Spectrum 7, and Harken) did. Third, if you think that being elected to or being governor of Texas or the President isn't the work of pretty much everybody but the politician, you've got another thing coming. Fourth, while this is really not relevant, I've always wondered why Dan Quayle was made fun of for joining the National Guard to avoid service in Vietnam but George W. Bush isn't for doing the same thing. (I'm not making fun here. If I ever become eligible for a draft, I'm moving to Canada.)

Fifth, the last thing I want to do is spur you into being the huge troll you were before, so this is the last thing I'll say on the subject, at least in this thread.
Bitt Faulk