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I'm sorry, but I just can't get over this. How can an owner of an Empeg sit there with a straight face and say his Empeg crashes more often than any Microsoft Product?????

I stated that my Empeg crashes more than any of the Microsoft products that I use, maybe not what you use. What do I use on Windows?

Outlook Express
Internet Explorer
Media Player

That's it. And yes, they all crash less than BOTH of my Empegs.

Now the secret.. I work at Microsoft making Mac software. I'm a Mac person and don't use my PC much except at work for corporate email and OE for personal email (because my Mac is always tied up doing development stuff).

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They must really warp your brain over there in M$ country. I feel sorry for you.

You gave yourself away with this statement. Let me guess, you run Linux. I actually feel sorry for you.