See, you just listed every game that I'm interested in. Those are definitely reasons for me to buy the GC. It just seems like Nintendo made their box with gaming in mind. The others were looking to give you home theater components. Screw that! I have a DVD player that doesn't require me to buy another remote.

Anyway, as I thought the GC looks like a winner for me. I like GTA3 and ICO, but I'd be willing to bet the prior will be released to all the consoles after that damn contract runs out. I also don't like racing games, so GT3 doesn't interest me in the least.

Finally, the wavebird is just awesome. I've been waiting for a controller like that my whole life (sad). I can just see a four-player Smash Brothers game completely wireless. Sweeeeeeet.

One last thing, does anyone know anything about a possibility for a new Mario Kart game? That would be so killer, I'd be willing to buy a Gamecube right now. I want that game so bad...