Yep, plenty of iPaq handheld clones out there. The origional iPaq design was so good, MS practicially said it's now the standard for any Pocket PC 2002 device. Head to a local store like Best Buy, they should have several on display.

The 3600 series is what started it all. These all ran PocketPC 2000, and usually can't be found any more. 32 and 64 meg versions existed

3700 series simply was the PocketPC 2002 versions of the above. 32 and 64 meg versions here as well.

3800 series adds a high color(64k) screen (over the 4096 color screens on older units), and a SD media slot. Plus a redesign of the front (black area at the top with the speaker, new cradle plug, but still works with all the expansion sleeves.) It also has a longer lasting battery, and one model has Bluetooth built in. All had 64 mb RAM.

3900 series adds a brigher screen, even longer lasting battery, a ton of ROM space for future OS upgrades (it can be used now for storage), and an Intel XScale CPU running at 400 (the older iPaqs used a 206mHz Arm). Preformance on these with the current Pocket PC 2002 is not worth the extra price of the XScale chip. But, with the ROM capacity and upgradibility, it shouldn't hold you off completly from considering one.

Oh, and the 3100 series is copies of the 3600 with a greyscale screen. Made mainly for the European market when the Color LCD scare was going on.