I forgot. I recenlty ran into a friend of mine. I noticed he wasn't using his palm V, or ANY PDA. He's a programmer, has a server room in house etc.. real tech junky.

When I asked him why he wasn't using it anymore he said "One digital device at a time man..". He's making due with the organizer in his cel phone. Among the productive, wisdom seems to be going from the dilbert 'toolbelt' mentality to the Dick Tracy 'if it's not in my watch, I don't need it' state of mind.

I'm not willing to compromise functionality, so I keep using my Palm V. But if you're looking for some thing, an alternative to all of these try the nokia 9200 I played with one @ Compusa. It's pretty nice. I was able to get typing speeds almost up to my current Grafitti writing speed. I'm sure with practice one could go even faster.