Unfortunately I haven't been able to get this to work, yet.
The result is the same as my previous attempts ... no audio, but no errors. And just to make sure it wasn't a hardware problem, I've played the same test mp3 through the normal player software with good audio.
I've tried this on a clean source tree of mad-0.14.2b, his latest release, as well as an earlier release used by the RioReceiver guys, mad-0.12.5b (using Jeff Mock's fixes).
Is there something more substantial I should be puttting in the command line for madplay other than just the name of the test mp3 file? From what I understand it should work with that argument alone right?
In off-subject, I've seen demo code that uses /dev/dsp as the audio device, and then other demo code that uses /dev/audio ... which one is the one to use?
Thanks a bunch for any help you can send my way!