Or another option would be to run a local shoutcast server on the empeg, wich rioplay can use. Not elegant, but it would work.

[Status Update]
So now I have rioplay getting songs from a music server on my lan and blasting them out my empeg. The rioplay software isn't very advanced yet, simple menus, little control over the "transport mechanism" of searching, pausing, etc. But it's working.

Problems I now have ...

The display size isn't right, so some menus are off the bottom of the screen. From what I can tell, a bunch of the display constants are hard coded with little documentation.

Shoutcast streaming causes a segmentation fault.

If the display isn't easily fixed shortly, I may try the GRRR distribution, so long as it can use the standard Rio Receiver Audio Server. I don't feel like hassling with a bunch of mess in MySQL just to get JReceiver running.

Shoutcast, I'm not so worried about ... it's a neat trick if it works, but not pivotal.