(yeah, I know, I'm behind on the threads...)

> I'm one of those multiple mouse button people.

Multi-button mice are fully supported by the OS, they just aren't supplied as standard.

To expand on this, Mac OS X is very similar to Windows in how the mouse buttons work. Right clicking results in a context menu similar to Windows, and 10.2 even adds the Open With option. Moving from the PC to Mac at home to me is seamless for most of the interface. The Dock/Taskbar differences still get me from time to time, as well as the occasional Mac OS 9 behavior in X.

Okay, that's probably true. But then setting it up was difficult because the printer setup was buried in an unintuitive location, set apart from the rest of the settings.

This is where I think Apple still has some work to do. I foten find myself bouncing around between System Preferences and the Utilities folder to accomplish a configuration task. With Windows XP, everything is at least linked from the Control Panal somewhere.

they make their things TOO easy and take away all the cool options computer dorks like me want to take advantage of.

I have more power to tweak things under OS X compaired to Windows XP. And generally Apple dosen't skimp on options. Mail for example is a very simple client, but has some amazing options rarley seen elsewhere. iTunes is another example. It's simple enough to let someone rip a CD and not have a clue about compression and such, and advanced users can tweak the MP3 encoder, or even replace it with LAME.