Skill is not the word I would use. Sure, there is something to be said for that ability; the lung capacity to go on like that. Good singers have that same gift. But many of them also go through training to extend the limits of their voice as well as their lungs.

Imagination is definitely something that would come in handy. And a good vocabulary in order to rhyme. But rapping is talking. Nothing more than a good ear for the beat is necessary, in order to make the paragraph you wrote fit where you want it to.

I would concede that he is imaginitive, but not skilled. And the punk-ass, self-centered I-am-so-great-and-no-one-helped-me-get-here attitude is pretentious bullshit. No one gets a record deal without a lucky break.

I think I'll stick to my music, played with instruments by musicians, with talent and skill, that work with each other to make it all come together and sound amazing.

Edit: I think you like him simply for his "music's" shock value and because he says stuff no one dared to before.

Edited by DeadFire (01/09/2002 20:55)