I can see I'm going to start a flame war right here.

In my opinion Rap is missing a C.

I agree that it takes some imagination and 'craft' to rhythmically recite spken work to a backing track. But IMHO it's like golf. /me- ducks into bomb shelter
I agree that there is practice required to do it well, it's just something I don't see any merit in. Sort of like synchronised swimming or the 'world championship wrestling' /me- ducks again
Rappers and golfers get paid FAR tooooo much for the actual amount of effort required. I don't see how making lyrics about how evil you're going to be if anyone does anything wrong by you is particularly creative. Especially if the best word you can use is fuck. Re-arrange your threats into Elizabethan English and rap that and I'll give you credit.

-- Murray I What part of 'no' don't you understand? Is it the 'N', or the 'Zero'?