the planet-name of an internal project

The last time I was in the US, we went to a very surreal electronics shop in a building that looked like Disney's idea of an Aztec temple. They had a completely out-of-control washing machine in there called the Saturn: it actually had a little screen on in on which you could choose wash cycles, temperatures and so on from little menus. Some passing geek had programmed the names of the three user-defined wash modes to be "All your", "base are", and "belong to us". But the funniest thing of all is that it used exactly the same, instantly recognisable, purple-and-yellow screen as the Rio Central.

In fact we've moved away from planets as project names. One of the codenames on our last project, the Rio S10 (and I'm assuming I'm allowed to mention this, now it's actually shipped) was Kimchee. I'd never heard of it, so I looked it up and it turns out to be a Korean pickle made by burying vegetables in the garden all winter and coming back when they really start to stink. This didn't strike me as portending very well for the project, but fortunately it all worked out reasonably well.
