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Heh. Bug number 5 in our internal database is as follows:

Summary: Spin Cycle doesn't work
Opened: 2001-02-19 14:11
Description: When attempting a silk wash, the spin cycle doesn't kick in. Have attempted to reproduce the problem with a normal wool wash, but the spin cycle works in this case.

And what, prey, tell, is bug Number 6 in your bug base?

Perhaps a little something like this:

Summary: Valued subject goes missing completely shortly after requesting voluntary shutdown
Opened: 1967
Description: After attempting to resign, subject is forcibly removed by forces unknown. When he wakes up, it is with some recent content (memory) loss and is also unwilling to co-operate with anyone in his immediate vicinity, especially those who appear to be in authority.
Demands to know (like the Readers of Billboard magazine) "who is number 1".
Also keeps saying "I am not a pirated copy - I am an emm pee three".

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Obviously, this was a test bug from back when we were testing the database. We don't actually have any announced products with spin cycles.

Oh really? Are you sure - every Empeg has a spin cycle built in - its called powering up (and down again) the hard drives and happens every time a song is played.

But I know what you mean - :-)

Maybe given the recently (linked to elsewhere) interview with SB's new CEO a washing machine interface for home audio may well be in the SB 5 year unification plans.

Or maybe, there was a test mode in the Empeg that makes it sound & look like a washing machine going through its spin cycle?