Not sure, in a way it depends a lot on the gps, and I probably am not really displaying enough information to make it totally clear whether we're actually seeing anything coming in from the GPS.

What I have noticed so far is that if I don't plug the GPS into the serial port, it says "Waiting for GPS location" and sits there doing nothing.

But if I do have the GPS plugged into the serial port, it says "Wating for GPS location" briefly and THEN it goes to "No satellite data".

For trimbles the code tries to prod the receiver into sending it at least once every 30 seconds while it is looking for satellites. Once there is a fix it should update about once a second.

The Rand McNally unit is notorious for sometimes not getting a proper fix for like 5 minutes or something. I've noticed this with the Palm software, it sometimes doesn't start working until the thing's been on for 5 minutes or so. Does your software handle that OK?

Hmm, perhaps CR/LF confusion.

ARRRGH I hate Winzip. Curse its "TAR File smart CR/LF conversion" feature!

Which files should I worry about in this case, just the preinit.d script?

Never seen it myself, and if it happens it must be a hijack bug. All the buttons should be intercepted by hijack.

Only seems to happen the second time I enter the GPSapp from the Hijack menu (in/out/in), if that's any help. Might be imagining that, though.

Okay next question. When I put the GPS antenna by the window, I got this:

Is this normal?

119383-blink.gif (194 downloads)

Tony Fabris