If I believed that they believed that body kits and whatnot made their cars look cool and they were totally uninterested in making their cars work better, I'd agree with you. But I believe that what they really want is to have a ``faster'' car but they believe that the shortcut to that is to make it look faster. Which to me is just stupid. If they'd save the money that they spent on that chromed oilcan exhaust tip, the made-from-leftover-barrels airfoil spoiler, and the body kit to make their Honda look like a teeny Ford GT-40, they might actually be able to afford a real performance upgrade.

I'd also be less derisive if the body kits, etc. that they tend to use weren't the most godawful ugly, poorly made looking things ever conceived. The ones I've seen that looked nice were really just the finishing touch on an otherwise nicely modified car. Most, though, look like the person has a wreck, replaced body panels with ones that were malformed rejects from a different model car, and then had another wreck.

Me, I'm not interested in making my car look different. I'm also not interested in making it ``faster''. I'm somewhat more interested in making it more fun to drive, but, honestly, I don't even have the time to put into that. But rest assured that any modifications I do make will have a purpose. And the first one will always be to install my empeg.
Bitt Faulk