You know between Slashdot and here I do get sick of all the MS hating going on.

Let me just say I love Microsoft. They are the biggest selling because they are the best, not because of any anti-competitive practices or whatever else the MS haters dream up to bitch about. It is not perfect, but they have gotten where they are today because their stuff is just better than that of the competition. Word and Excel, Windows, VB, IE, they are all the best in their field, and have been for a while and have little serious competition coming.

I use the other stuff; Linux has its uses and I do have a box here, but Windows is much more useful on a daily basis and Linux certainly isn't user-friendly, Mozilla is a wondeful program but it is not ready to take on IE quite yet. Java is not a serious contender for real programming. (Oh, I am going to get hard for that, aren't I, but I had to learn it and I discovered I really hate the damn language) I would be more than happy to use non-IE products if they were actually better, but they are sadly not.

<Put on flame suit>
Ninti - MK IIa 60GB Smoke, 30GB, 10GB