i use mozilla as my main browser on windows and i find it so much better than ie. the tabs feature is amazing - only having to have one browser window open rather than about 10.

Agreed, and a multi-window metaphor (is that the right term -- MWM?) is one reason I bought Opera and installed it on both Linux + Win, but I like Mozilla's tabbing better and it doesn't have Opera's js shortcomings right now.

have only ever had it crash once in the last few months & i don't find it slow at all. then again i do have 1gb of ram

Maybe that's it -- this dual 866 *only* has 512!

- i think it's maybe not so good on a machine with not much ram. i've only come across a couple of pages which don't render properly in it - mostly microsofts msdn site.

Surprise, surprise!

I actually had decent luck with Mozilla 1.0, but occasional crashes. With 1.1, things went downhill to the point of unusability. I am trying to think of what else I might have installed that hosed things up.

If I can spend more time in my Linux desktop, I can maybe get a fairer sense of how much this behavior is specific to Windows, but, after uninstalling and reinstalling several times, I still have that feeling that something bad persists -- a DLL, reg key or something -- and that when I run various uninstalls that you can never be 100 percent confident that it really did uninstall everything. Eventually, the road leads back to "reinstall the OS again and start over!"

Oh, and I will keep working with Mozilla. I just felt the need to vent!

'Tis the exceptional fellow who lies awake at night thinking of his successes.