They are the biggest selling because they are the best, not because of any anti-competitive practices or whatever else the MS haters dream up to bitch about.

Wrong. Go read the Findings of Fact and repeat that above statement with a straight face. I know number 236 is true as I worked at Gateway when the internal fights were going on over what browser to use. Finally Gateway did cave to the pressure, and in a single swipe, replaced every Netscape browser internally with IE to please Microsoft and to get them to stop extorting Gateway for more money.

As for the quality of their products, thats been discussed before, and I won't discuss it here beyond one point: I have been employeed for several years of my working life for the sole reason that MS products do not work as well as they advertise. And this covers both desktop and server arenas. Their bugs in their server OS and web server have insured my recent job security, as call volume spiked quite a bit when MS patches to fix Code Red began bluescreening the boxes they were installed on.