Take a close look at both the original ("space saver") wheel and the new ("full size") spare and take measurements before you commit!

Already tested snow tire and regular/OE spare. The lid almost fits back flush. I may either hack on it or make a replacement (since I'd need a grate/grill for the sub anyhow).

A lot of times, the space saver wheel is actually a larger diameter wheel (with a smaller aspect ratio tire to make overall diameter come out the same) than a regular size wheel. Be sure the subwoofer will fit into the new wheel!

The sub I will be recycling is a modest 8-inch square Kicker Solobaric that has done fine for me. No problem fitting it and I'm pretty sure I can get the required volume in the enclosure, but I will definitely go through the plastic bag + milk jug fill test before I start wasting any fiberglass on it.

And, just an aside, why do you want to get rid of the "fake" spare anyway?

Well, we are up to about 3-5 gravel rallies a year now depending on our other obligations and I wouldn't do any of them without a full-size spare. We haven't blown a tire yet, but have seen others do so and it'd suck to drive all the way to Oregon or BC and have to quit a 2-day rally on the first day due to no spare (as was the case with a nice S4 we rolled by in November that busted both tire *and* wheel...)

For Winter Alcan, we will probably haul 2 spares, and not just because the Hakka 1s are directional. In part by using the well space more efficiently, we are hoping we can haul 2 spares and still make the trip without adding a Yakima/Thule rack and storage box.

So rather than keep that weenie spare all the time and have to haul a full-size out of my storage unit on a regular basis, I'm thinking I'll just put the weenie one in storage.

(Oh, and then there was the time -- after shredding a tire at about 95 MPH -- that I got to drive home from Montana on a tire that was "reeeeel close" to my Pirelli 205/55-14s!!)

'Tis the exceptional fellow who lies awake at night thinking of his successes.