No, I have about 310 GB of mp3s. The 160's "only" have about 145GB usable on them after formatting, etc. I ended up adding the 3rd disk when I filled up the 2x160 configuration. I figured, what the hell, add another 160GB and then I've got room for new CDs. I ripped them myself, which was a drag. It took months and months and things kept changing. For instance, the older CDs only have version 1 tags on them. The reason it takes so much space is that they are all 256 CBR files, so I average around 100mb/CD.

I organized everything into directories of Artist/Album/track_song.mp3. What I need to do is find or write a perl script to recursively retag everything with the new tags using this directory structure. I'm a total perl newbie, so I haven't managed to get this done. The filenames all have underscores instead of spaces, so perl needs to work that out for me, too.

Some of the files are a real problem, especially the classical stuff (which I have quite a bit of). The "Artist" might be the performer, and then the tracks might have a composer name in them.

It's really a problem, actually, having all that data. I really need a mySQL database. The artist vs. composer thing is just one problem. I've ranted about the limitations of a directory structure for mp3 organization before. It is a *perfect* example of why relational databases were invented. If only there were 50 hours in a day...

Any thoughts would be appreciated...
