There was a big long argument here on the BBS about this feature when it first appeared. There's no need to re-hash the pros and cons here because we've already been through that and we're all still stinging from it.

In any case, empeg gave us a fantastic compromise:

When the unit is on the info:track screen, holding down the bottom button (on the faceplate) will switch back to the visuals screen. That way, if you like the visuals in your car, you can bring them back with a single button-press.

This is the perfect compromise because it gives empeg what they need (the user must consciously choose to activate the visuals in the car), while giving us what we want (the simplest possible way to get to the visuals).

There happens to be a bug right now where that single button-press-hold doesn't always work the first time. But if it doesn't work the first time, then it'll work the second time. And they'll have that bug fixed soon.

Tony Fabris
Tony Fabris