That's more or less correct. Canada has two national languages. Practically speaking, only Quebec, Norther Ontario and parts of Newfoundland/Labrador actually use French as a daily language. It's pretty rare to hear French much further west than Ottawa.

Montreal is sort of divided into two sections -- the anglophones, and the francophones. Don't ask me where those two sections are, because I haven't spent much time in Montreal. Outside Montreal, the english language usage drops off. In my experience, you'll often find men are fluently bilingual, but the women speak only French, and a little bit of English, if any. That probably holds true more in the remote areas than in large metropolii, though. However, I've met a number of Quebecois, both male and female, that don't know any english at all, aside from anglicisms that creep into the French language (such as "le weekend").