1) Emplode doesn't pick up the correct ID3 tag when there are more than one in an MP3. Sometimes there are two tags (v1 and v2?? - not sure) in an MP3 that may contain different information.This conflicts with what Rob
said he THOUGHT Empeg did. It sounds as though you've got both an ID3v1 tag and an ID3v2 tag, as you guessed. Each one is written in a different place (v1 at the beginning of the file and v2 at the end of the file). Most players, also as you said, check both and will allow a v2 tag to take precedence. Rob thought this was the case with Empeg, but I think he's going to have to verify this.
The question does come up as to why you have different information in each tag, but you've already found a program to fix that, which is good. It's definitely a good idea to keep the two tags in sync for just this reason. Tony had
said that
In reply to:
Even though you can name the songs any length in emplode, the empeg's VFD display is limited in the number of characters you can see at one time. So even though I have to abbreviate some of my song/artist/album titles for the PC, I leave them that way after I move them to the empeg since I usually wouldn't see the extra letters anyway.
So, that's something to keep in mind, too. However, I believe he's referring only to the list when browsing playlists/songs, not the "info scrolling" or in the visuals. I know this doesn't help much, but this seems to be a bug now, so I'm sure the guys@empeg will check this piece out now that they know about it.