I think I like my orginal sugestion better

Me too. That is exactly what I was thinking while reading this whole thread. I think tfabris is grasping to find a solution for adding lrcs in place to the empeg without having to find the file on your local drive, edit it, delete it on the empeg, and finally reupload it. I would agree that there is some merit to in place editing, but I don't think that a lot of manual ftping and fid searching is the right method. jEmplode could handle this in a much cleaner way. If your using hijack it could even do the uploads and downloads of the mp3 via ftp to avoid having to resync your whole database. Throw in the ability to query the upcoming lyrics site automatically and we have an automated tool that you could let run for a few hours to add lyrics to all your mp3s.

EmpMenuX - ext3 filesystem - Empeg iTunes integration