For that matter, batching lrc2sylt on the empeg itself and nuking the lrc
files after that runs even seems more preferable than dropping an extra set of files onto it.

Not sure this is a good idea. I believe emplode makes note of the offset where the ID3 tag ends and the real MP3 data begins (in the *1 FID), so that the player can more easily skip over the ID3 tag at the beginning of the file. If lrctool is run on the empeg, I think we'd have to manually adjust this offset in the *1 FID, or risk garbage data being fed into the MP3 decoder. If Roger/peter are still around, maybe they can confirm this suspicion.

Not that it'd be impossible for us to muck with the *1 files, but then again, the whole idea of batching on the empeg begins with knowing the FID of the mp3 file you're adding lyrics to, which is part of my problem with tfabris' solution.

Look, I will do whatever the general concensus is here, but the KISS principle really makes me want to pick one and only one mechanism and stick with it. I will support a second one if we all think it's a good idea, but two is my limit.
- Tony C
my empeg stuff