Here's something that worked for me: set up an ethernet connection.

Yeah, I've already reached that conclusion. I have officially given up USB as a viable emplode resource as of tonight. Tomorrow I see if I can get a network running on my PC.

If you mean (a), that's not an option for everyone because it involves spending money on an ethernet card.

It's not the money, it's the resources. My PC is pretty heavily configured, right now a quick count shows an even dozen cables coming out of the back of it, and whether I still have a PCI slot and an IRQ available is anybody's guess.

Of course, by the time I finish bugging Tony about how to set up the TCP/IP addresses or whatever it is I have to do to make a network he'll probably move to another state and change his email address...


"There Ain't No Such Thing As A Free Lunch"
"There Ain't No Such Thing As A Free Lunch"