I have the 60GB version of this drive in my system now (among a couple other WD drives) and it's been very good to me.
I think I just bought this very same drive recently. It was the one where I discovered (after asking on this BBS) that I needed the 80-conductor cable to make it work properly. I haven't had it for long, so I don't have any long-term reliability numbers.
I personally swear by Western Digital drives.
Me too. I've had problems in the past with Seagates, problems with Maxtors, but never with WD units. This is, of course, just a testimonial with no basis in actual statistical reliability data. But it does affect my buying decisions. When I bought that 60gb WD drive, I could have gotten a Maxtor 80gb for the same cash, but chose the WD unit instead because of my personal experience.