Well, since I've done it goes a bit like this (and I do agree VIA mobos are a royal PITA):

D/L the drivers with another machine and put them on a CD or on a second HD or your w2k install HD, assuming you choose not to re-format during install (which is what I did).

On the very first reboot of your spanking new W2k install boot to safe mode by pressing F8 on boot.

Install the drivers. Reboot normally & continue with the W2k install, telling W2k the time zone etc...

It took me three installs to get this right, but my machine is mighty stable now.

I'm sure you've looked at the http://forums.viaarena.com/ site. There's far more knowlegeable people there than me.


ps: if you go jarob10's route, but don't have a floppy there's a good resource at http://www.nu2.nu/bootcd/ for making bootable CD's

Edited by Ezekiel (30/03/2003 18:22)