New? I suppose if you haven't touchd a drive in a while.
BTW, just to buck against most everyone else, WD is just about the only brand of drive I will not buy. Far too many failure reports over the past few years. Also poor experience with them in Macs at the office.
Right now I've got a Seagate Ultra160 SCSI Cheetah and a few ATA Maxtor drives (3 x 40GB, 1 x 60GB, 1 x 120GB (brand new) - I just retired a 20GB to my "not currently used for anything" pile to sit with my 1GB SCSI Quantum (I got this in 1994) and 4GB SCSI Seagate Barracuda (1995).
The 120GB Maxtor I got from for $120 before a $40 mail-in rebate.

(It was $120 after an instant $30 off)