> While on the subject, you ought to upgrade to v1.
I did.

> emplode can be a bit finicky. Did you hit refresh a
> couple of times?
> Does the empeg-car appear in Device Manager?
I take it you mean under Universal serial bus controller?
If so, then no. There is only an Intel 82371AB/EB PCI to USB Universal Host controller and a USB Root Hub under it.

> Failing that, reinstalling the empeg USB driver can help.
How? I ran the emplode setup program.

I ran the tests at boot time and USB passed:
0500 usb detect
0510 usb rev 1012
05f0 usb ok
00f0 tests complete

It hung after testing everything. Is that normal?

In the normal boot log, it says:

empeg usb initialised, PDIUSBD12 id 1012
