Do you think the offer of aid for physical needs is disingenuous?

I certainly do, when the offer of aid becomes contingent upon listening to some evengelical Christian dispute and disparage the recipient's religious heritage, a heritage that goes back thousands of years.

Try a little mind-experiment here... pretend that, due to admittedly improbable circumstances, a tornado went through your town, and the only source of relief was a Muslim organization. How would you feel when they brought their relief package to the remnants of your home and told you " are some supplies, but you must understand that your eternal soul is in jeopardy because you are an infidel, worshipping a false deity. Muhammed is the one true God, and you must give up your sinful ways if you are ever to achieve salvation..."

I bet you wouldn't like it very much.

"There Ain't No Such Thing As A Free Lunch"