Well, for me there is no OTHER stationery tape than 3M Scotch Tape. Ask for it by name.Hmm. Methinks Fogduck works for the 3M corporation.

Oh, and kudos for using the correct version of "stationery". Seeing as how this off-topic thread started on that foot...
I don't know if it has any pharmacological effects, but it smells GREAT.Anyone remember the scene in Fast Times at Ridgemont High where the teacher hands out a fresh set of dittoed tests? When he turns around, the entire class is inhaling the fumes off of their quiz papers. This was an exact duplication of my high school classes, not an exaggeration.
(For those born after 1980, a ditto machine was the way schools copied their tests before the photocopier was widely available. It was a chemical process that resulted in papers that, when fresh off the machine, were slightly moist and had a smell reminiscent of nail polish remover. I'm convinced that you could get high if you inhaled enough of the stuff.)
Tony Fabris