Yeh, I sort of see what you mean about Tequila hangovers, not so much of a hangover as a "being slightly dislodged from reality feeling". Best legal drug available (maybe next to Absynth - Juries out on that one

) - IMHO
8 ounces of Cuervo Gold too much to drink in one sitting?
- Well, it's a start.....
Nah, seriously I don't know about anyone else but a double (about 2oz?) hits me straight in the head, a few more on top and you're in for the best night you can't remember.
And cheers for the link Roger, nice one.
Went to Mexico for two weeks last year - NICE. Went to "Tequila", sampled lots, laughed loads and then smiled a lot before falling asleep.
Seem to recall lots of mad coach drivers taking us up the kind of mountain passes where they often loose vehicles..... but I digress