A few minutes ago, I deleted and rewrote the script from scratch, and it's working now... I have NO idea.

Out of curiousity,(forgive my lack of linux knowledge) why the exec? It seems to be working without it...

Also, I can't seem to telnet into the empeg unless the root fs is rw. I'm guessing this is normal? If so, I would assume , since exiting the player spawns a new shell, putting rw after calling the old init won't help. Have you found away around this?

Bill B.
Mk.2 SN 080000183 - 18 GB /

Edited by BillB on 13/9/00 00:02 AM.

[orange]Bill B.
Mk.2 SN 080000183 - 38 GB /[/orange] [green] Green [/green]