I know you must have been pretty stessed out when you posted this, but for the record, that Drive Upgrade Tutorial is the best writen tutorial I have ever read on the web. I didn't realize this until I went to a few car sites to learn how to bolt on parts to my car.

If anything, the Upgrade Guide is anything but vague. It lists every possibility and provides information for each situtation. My guess is that you didn't get a chance to read it before starting your upgrade, especially this part:

In reply to:

Make sure you also have the proper standard ".upgrade" file for your player ready. You will need to re-install the player software upgrade onto the new disk drive after formatting it. Make sure that it matches the currently installed software on the player, and is the correct one for your player model (Mark 1 or Mark 2). Make it the developer version so that you can drop to the shell prompt during the procedure if you have to (you can go back to the consumer version after you're all done if you want). If necessary, upgrade the player software before starting this procedure to make certain that it's the same one as what you'll be installing on the new disk. This is important, so that a mismatch between the flash kernel and the player on the disk doesn't happen as you swap disks.

This part is writen in the section listing things you need to get set before you take tools to your player.

Again, I know you were stressed when you wrote this, so no biggy. I don't know anything about Linux either, except what has been writen in that guide. And I am certainly NOT a hardware guy, so if you take the time to slowly read through it, I'm sure you'll find what you need.
Brad B.