Okay.. I've released my first tool (of several in beta here) for dealing
with the Empeg player from Linux. This is what I use to mirror my massive /mp3 directory structure from a Linux host to the Empeg car player:

"empsync" is a command-line tool to mirror a Linux /mp3/ hierarchary
onto the Empeg player. It compares the host directories with that of
the Empeg, and uploads/deletes files as needed to maintain the Empeg.

It confines it's operations (for now) to a playlist hierarchy under /artists/
on the Empeg player, so folks can still have other playlists / links / separate from the automatically generated ones from the tool.

Get it! from : http://rtr.ca/empeg

More stuff coming soon:

"id3v2" -- a Linux tool for extracting/stripping/dealing with ID3 tags,

"mp3sort" -- takes a random dump of .mp3's and renames/organizes them into artist/album/track-song.mp3 format, extracting info from the ID3 v2 or v1 tags as needed. Uses "id3v2" internally.

"mkplaylists" -- creates both random and alphabetical groupings (playlists) by artist, album, track, whatever, for the Empeg from Linux.
