Looks like a good idea. A couple of questions though. Are you using the ID3 info at all? I like the idea of using folder names for artist name, etc. But, what about fields that you don't have in your directory structure like genre and date? Also, do you make any attempt to deal with mp3s that are not all the way down in the directory structure? For example when I have an artist's whole cd, I create directories like this...


but, if I have only a song or two (one hit wonders, etc) I leave out the album directory. So...


One last thing that would be cool was if you allowed the user to specify what directories where there and how they should be mapped to fields in the empeg's db so that you could do deeper/shallower directory structures to suit your needs.

Of course since it is just a script many people could make these changes themselves.


EmpMenuX - ext3 filesystem - Empeg iTunes integration