So Patrick, thanks for offering the ride! I haven't heard back from you though... Is Friday morning OK or should we change our plans?

Also, I still haven't heard how most of the Cambridge people are traveling to Amersfoort. I don't know how you guys usually do it?

Our travel agent tells us that the Chunnel is trains-only, not cars. Is that true? I could have sworn that some people said they were driving to Amersfoort, so I have to assume that there's a way to get there by car. Is there a ferry, and if so, what are the departure and arrival points?

If we're all by ourselves, we'd like to avoid France if possible. I don't savor the idea of changing trains in France after going through the Chunnel. But if we were traveling with someone who's done it before, then it wouldn't be a problem.
Tony Fabris