I'm going up to Cambridge sometime on the 3rd, as the ferry leaves early in the morning on the 4th. I can certainly swing through London on the way, although this would best be done either late in the evening or around mid-day, to avoid the rush-several-hours. My car isn't huge, but it's large enough to carry four people and a bag each, as well as the stuff I'm taking to Amersfoort.
Thank you, Patrick! I will take you up on this offer. I realize now (from what everyone else just said) that my plan for going to Cambridge on Friday morning was foolhardy, and I agree that we should be going on Thursday night.
It's OK that we only get a day in London. Truth is that Jenny doesn't like big cities (we're hoping to book time in a much more rural part of Germany the following week) and will be pleased to know that we're spending one less day in London. It's a bit of a compromise... I want to see London and wouldn't mind a few days there, but Jenny would be happiest with zero days. So we're meeting in the middle.
Patrick, please PM me with your contact details so that I can call you when we're in London and we can coordinate where and when to meet for the ride. What I figure we'll do is leave our bags at the hotel desk after we check out Thursday morning, then go mess around the first part of the day Thursday. Then meet you back at the hotel, grab the bags, and catch the ride to Cambridge.