Also, I still haven't heard how most of the Cambridge people are traveling to Amersfoort. I don't know how you guys usually do it?
Planet Empeg will be driving from Cambridge to Harwich (about 70 miles), getting the fast (3.5h) ferry to Hook of Holland, and driving from Hook (Hoek) to Amersfoort (70 more miles). I'm not sure who from Empeg is driving -- I've not been following the discussions as I can't make it this year.

Because Cambridge to Harwich is transverse, and all the railways in these parts run radial from London, it's virtually as hard to get to Harwich by train as it is to get to Amersfoort itself via Calais. Or you could fly Stansted-Amsterdam, but all in all your best bet, as you said from the word go, is "A Lift from Cambridge to Amersfoort".
