The reason I did it that way was really to save space... If I use up 4 lines for my contact info, I have to take something out of my experience
I don't know if now is the right time for you, but many jobs ago, I gave up on trying to fit my entire resume on one page. I don't know if it's good or not, but there's just no way I could possibly do it now.

I've heard from folks not to bother having an ``Objective'' section. Your objective is to get a job. Most recruiters overlook it altogether. If you feel the need to explain why you're submitting the resume, attach a cover letter.

This is just me, but ``Unix Shell'' and ``Assembly'' are both pretty vague. Tell which shell and which assembler (M68k, x86, PPC, Sparc, whatever). Also, ``UNIX'' is only used to refer to System V. Unless that's what you really mean, just use ``Unix''.

``refactor''??? What's that mean?

If your DoD clearances are still valid, I'd list them up top.

Kill the line about references at the bottom. They know to ask.

Also, the layout seems a little funny. Things are not quite lined up properly -- specifically, things after bullets and the stuff after the categories in the ``Skills'' section.
Bitt Faulk