I don't know if now is the right time for you, but many jobs ago, I gave up on trying to fit my entire resume on one page. I don't know if it's good or not, but there's just no way I could possibly do it now.
I have been told countless times that managers throw away multi-page resumes. This may be FUD, but I bought it.
I've heard from folks not to bother having an ``Objective'' section. Your objective is to get a job. Most recruiters overlook it altogether. If you feel the need to explain why you're submitting the resume, attach a cover letter.
Hmmm. While I agree with your rationale, isn't removing the objective section a little... radical? I've never seen a resume without one.
This is just me, but ``Unix Shell'' and ``Assembly'' are both pretty vague. Tell which shell and which assembler (M68k, x86, PPC, Sparc, whatever). Also, ``UNIX'' is only used to refer to System V. Unless that's what you really mean, just use ``Unix''.
For the assembly stuff, I've done both x86 and M68k, no SPARC. As for shells, I know all the major ones, so I didn't see the need to specify one single shell. Everyone pretty much uses bash or ksh in my experience, and if they use csh, I can certainly adapt to that.

As for UNIX vs. Unix I didn't know about that subtle distinction, so I'll fix that.
``refactor''??? What's that mean?
Refactoring is mostly an OO concept, but I've applied the concepts to C programs as well. It basically means redesigning the internals of a piece of software to make it more scalable, extensible, flexible, etc. In the example I'm citing, I was put in charge of taking our security software and cleaning up a lot of spaghetti code that was preventing our software from growing. You look at the class structure, cohesion and coupling, etc. and try to find an ideal design that doesn't cause problems in other parts of the system, and is easily understood when you go to add on a garage or a ceiling fan six months later.

People have been doing these kind of code cleanups since punch cards, but it has a name now, and even a book or three. My intention was to show that I was put in charge (from the technical end, anyway) of a complete redesign and rewrite process. The first few bullets talk about a lot of the new development I've done, but I wanted to also show I'm no one-trick pony and can work with legacy stuff as well.
If your DoD clearances are still valid, I'd list them up top.
The SCI clearance disappeared when I left Lockheed, I think the Secret clearance stayed with me for a few years, but is almost certainly expired by now. I only listed it to show that I did *receive* those clearances, and would have no trouble reapplying should the need arise.
Kill the line about references at the bottom. They know to ask.
Will do.
Also, the layout seems a little funny. Things are not quite lined up properly -- specifically, things after bullets and the stuff after the categories in the ``Skills'' section.
Yeah, the layout was bugging me a little. I've tried six or seven different things and none have worked. None of the canned resume samples ever leave me very happy either. I'll work with it.
- Tony C
my empeg stuff